Friday 3 January 2014

A Blog Virgin talks Dirty

So, here I go, a blog. I know, some of you will say, "You haven't blogged yet? What rock have you been hiding under?" But, this is my first. I am a blog virgin.

Well, I have to say it was all an exciting idea in theory, but now that I sit at my little computer, trying to get something funny or inspirational out, I find myself stuck for insight. Mmmmm, insight come to me ..... :fingers tap, tap, tap: ...... :looks around the room: Boy, that keyboard, I never really noticed all the letters on it before. It sure does have a lot of dirt in between all those keys. I should clean that out. Wait here, I'll be back.

I am back, keyboard is clean. Where does all that stuff come from? I don't eat near my computer, yet 'bits' came pouring out. I read once that it gets filled with dead skin cells that have sloughed off our fingers! Do my fingers have that much dead skin? Do Clarins, Loreal and Estee Lauder know about this? I haven't seen any finger exfoliators on the market. 

Speaking of dead skin cells, have you ever had someone come to demonstrate the Kirby Vacuum System? 'The Kirby' makes you sick to see how filthy you are. I always thought I was a clean person, but this 'Machine With a Hefty Price Tag' told me differently. My male demonstrator effortlessly glided 'The More Than a Vacuum' over various surfaces, in various rooms and then precariously emptied the contents out of the machine onto little black patches of material, to show me (shock me) with what 'The Ultimate Home Maintenance System' found living in my home that my ordinary, what I thought was expensive to buy, German made, vacuuming appliance just wasn't capable of sucking up. Now getting dirt out of a rug or carpet, that's fine, I was cool with that. But when he showed me what he dragged out of the bed, I was ill. It was then that I was prepared to pay the thousands of dollars to clean up my act. Thankfully, my husband didn't allow me to become a slave to housework for the rest of my life, as he restrained me (those black patches of material came in useful for tying me to the now sucked within and inch of it's life clean bed) and sent the Kirby man to the street, with his 'Has No Equal' and briefcase. He took off quickly to never return, hot on the heels of the white shirted, tie-wearing men with the Watchtower in their hand. So, realising my home was filthy and I had a lot of work to do (without a Kirby), I figured I was better off going to work and hiring a cleaner to my 'dirty work'!

Cleaners are not easy to find that suit you, are they? You can find fastidious cleaners, with hourly rates equal to a Kirby monthly payment and you can find decent hourly-rated cleaners. There is the dilemma. A decent hourly rate has its payoffs. Ruth would clean my walls for me, and take off two layers of paint with whatever paint stripping chemical she used. Mary used to knock off two hours early from her three hour shift, but my stainless steel sink was cleaned and shined so brilliantly that I could put my makeup on, using it as a mirror. Jenny would iron like a speed demon, but I would have to re-iron anything with a collar (because I didn't like the Elvis look on all my clothes) or pleats and gathers (because I didn't want to look like I had a dress on with a hoop petticoat underneath.) I even tried paying our teenage children, who were desperate for money. It turned out they wanted the money weekly, while only performing the work monthly. 

The better alternative was to find a cleaner I am happy with, pay for the number of hours I can afford (or can justify I can afford) and do as much cleaning, maintenance myself that I can (or justify that I can or desire to, or not to) and let go of the perfectionism feeding frenzy that The Kirby proliferates. Damn that little man and his 'turbo powered dream' for making me see what I 'should be' doing. However, even a Kirby wouldn't have made teenagers be cleaner, tidier or give a ..... So, let it go, live with some dirt (filth) or be its slave. 

Slave or free? Slave or free? Why am I even thinking about it? I have a dream to plan and have to live that dream! That dream is not about being a slave to cleanliness. If I go out and live my dream enough, I won't be home to see the dirt! Stick that in your briefcase Kirby man and keep your "TechDrive Power Assisted Investment' away from my tidy and surface clean, but deep-down, don't move any furniture, dirty home.